Sunday, February 14, 2010

go vegan

and so starts my quest back into veganism. i was pretty close before. and watching the things below just make me realize that i have to go vegan. it will be a difficult process. not so much giving up the dairy and eggs, but breaking the news to mike and him probably not being completely supportive. and not only mike. everyone in my life. being vegetarian is seems hard enough for people to handle. veganism will really throw them through a loop. but i honestly can't understand how they wouldn't be able to understand after viewing the slideshows and movie preview below. and they are not grusome and horrifying, just factual. of course they made me cry. i dont know how they couldnt make anyone cry. but again, educate yourself. open your mind. learn the TRUTH.


  1. ok i seriously don't know why my links won't work. they just dont show up. can someone help me with this? anyway, check this out.

  2. Good for you Chris...I totally respect you for it! (Sorry my blog isn't helpful in the subject, but did you Alicia Silverstone has a vegan cookbook??)

  3. thanks donna. i did see that. i think i am going to pick it up. i am going to need all the help i can get to make this change. but if i come across any yummy recipes i will share them with you! i already saw some online that i want to try.
